Are you looking for a blocked toilet plumber? Going to your bathroom and finding that your toilet is backed up is never a nice experience. However, while your first instinct might be to immediately call in the professionals, there are some things you can try first to remove the blockage and get your toilet working again.

We know how frustrating it can be to find that your toilet is not working as it should be. So before you call a blocked toilet plumber, we thought we would take a closer look at some top tips to help you:

Identify the cause of the blockage

Before you start trying to unblock your toilet, it is first important to identify what is causing the blockage. Sometimes, it is not always clear that your toilet is blocked, so there are certain signs that you should keep an eye out for, including:

  • Water not draining as quickly as normal after flushing

  • Noticing that the water levels in the toilet bowl are higher

  • Strange gurgling sounds coming from the toilet

  • A lingering and unpleasant smell

  • Finding your Gully Trap is overflowing

  • Toilet bowl is overflowing

Keeping an eye out for these signs will allow you to fix the blockage before it becomes a major issue. What could be causing your blockage, though? There are many different reasons why your toilet could start becoming backed up:

Disposing of non-flushable items

One of the most common reasons for needing a blocked toilet plumber is due to regularly flushing non-flushable items down your toilet. Things such as cleaning wipes, sanitary items and cotton buds can build up in your plumbing system, preventing waste from being able to pass through freely and causing it to begin to build up.

Clogged drain lines

Another very common cause of blocked toilets is a clog further down in their drain line. Although it might be unrelated to your toilet, this blockage will act in a similar way to disposing of non-flushable items.

Not enough water in the tank

Effective flushing requires your toilet tank to be full. However, should there be an issue with refilling, it could mean that there is not enough pressure to fully clear the bowl.

Toilet water flush
Hard water build up

If you live in an area known for having hard water, then this could be another cause for needing a blocked toilet plumber. Although it is completely safe to drink, over time, it can begin to calcify in your pipes, restricting the flow of water and waste.

External issues

Sometimes, your blockage might be due to reasons outside of your control. One of the most common reasons is due to issues with the water and waste pipes outside your home.

Toilet sewer pipe

Top tips for unblocking your toilet

Whatever the cause might be, if you are noticing signs that your toilet is blocked, then acting quickly is essential to ensuring that your toilet and bathroom do not become damaged. Before calling a blocked toilet plumber, there are certain methods you can use to try and unclog your toilet, including:

1) Use a plunger

This is the most common method of removing a blockage and is incredibly effective at clearing your system. You should invest in a high-quality plunger, ensuring that it is one that either has a cylindrical extension on the bottom or a ball-shaped end, as the standard style will not be able to create enough suction.

When using a plunger, make sure that it is completely covering the opening of your toilet trap and begin to plunge slowly. Keep repeating this process until the clog loosens, checking regularly to see if it is draining. Once you are confident, flush the toilet to check it is draining as normal.

2) Use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar

Another good tip before calling a blocked toilet plumber is to use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. This mixture can help to break down any blockages, allowing your water to start flowing as normal again.

The best way to do this is to add one cup of baking soda into the bowl, allowing it to sit there for a few minutes before pouring in two cups of vinegar. Leave the mixture for around 60 minutes before flushing the toilet. If this hasn’t cleared the clog, try again and let the mixture sit for longer.

3) Use a plumbing snake

If you know for certain that there is a blockage in your own toilet system, then a plumbing snake can be a great way to break it down and get your system working again. When snaking your toilet, insert it into the drain and slowly turn the crank so it moves further down the line. Keep repeating this process, reversing the motion to pull the snake out, until you have completely cleared the blockage.

4) Use a drain cleaner

Another top tip to try before calling a blocked toilet plumber is to use a chemical drain cleaner. These products are available from most hardware stores and supermarket chains and work to help break down any blockages that may have built up in your system.

When using these commercial cleaners, it is essential that you are using the instructions listed on the label. Failure to do this can cause major damage and even see your pipes become damaged beyond repair.

5) Use hot water

If your toilet is still flushing, but you are noticing that the water is slowing down, then you might be able to stop the build up in its tracks. Hot soapy water is a great way to do this; just remember to ensure that it is not boiling, as that could crack the porcelain.

Carefully pour the hot water into the bowl and let it sit for a few minutes before flushing the toilet. You will hopefully then notice the water draining at its normal pace again.

Still not working?

If, after trying these methods, your toilet is still not working, then it is time to call in a blocked toilet plumber. These professionals will have the skills, tools and knowledge needed to ensure whatever is clogging your toilet is completely clear. They will also be able to identify any areas of additional concern that might require repairing.

Professional toilet plumber

However, finding a quality tradesperson that you can trust can be tough. That is why here at Builds, our mission is to transform the way you find local contractors. Rather than having to spend ages searching through Google, our unique platform is designed to allow you to quickly browse through a range of trusted and proven tradespeople.

You will be able to instantly connect with a range of contractors, informing them of your project before getting a free quote. Once you’ve found a tradesperson you’re happy with, you can then book the work and enjoy complete peace of mind your blocked toilet will soon be fixed!

Want to find out more? Start browsing for a blocked toilet plumber today!